Meet Ramona
Intuitive, Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master Practitioner, Spiritual Worker and Energy Healing Facilitator.
Guiding my clients on the journey to their most Radiant Energy Glow has become my passion and my soul purpose.
My Story
I grew up hearing the story of how my grandmother, Isabella, knew my mother was expecting me before anyone else did...including my parents themselves! As the story goes, my mom walked into the kitchen and Granny Bella turned from the dishes in the sink, looked her up and down and said "You're pregnant!" My mom immediately phoned my dad and told him what Granny said. They took a pregnancy test and low and behold, RO was on her way!
After Granny transitioned in 1995 my mom would say she smelled roses at random times and always felt like someone was with her, especially when she was in the kitchen. I remember saying once "It must be Granny" but I didn't give it much thought after that.
Little did I know, those very words would start my own journey. I felt a presence with me all the time. Almost like someone looking around the corner or peeking into my room. I ignored it most of the time because, quite honestly, it felt a bit creepy. I would lie in my bed at night and ask that whomever it was with me, to please not show themselves. I'm STILL not ready for that!
As the years went by, I would see things out of the corner of my eye and never really felt alone, even when I was living on my own. After my Grandfather transitioned in 2003 the activity really ramped up. I would hear his laugh and smell his cigarettes. I also became aware that I was having many conversations with him in my sleep.
I'd always had an interest in the metaphysical arts...psychics, tarot, astrology but most of the time I kept my interest locked away in my imagination. Being raised Catholic, I felt a sense of guilt for believing that it could be possible to have these gifts. When the opportunity presented itself, I got readings but they were all rather vague and did nothing to completely convince me that it was real.
It wasn't until December of 2019 that my own abilities were revealed. For several months I had been feeling trapped in my job and completely unfulfilled. Something was missing but I couldn't put my finger on it. One night, I was stuck in the "rabbit hole" of social media videos when I got a notification that someone had shared a live feed to one of the groups I'm in. At first I was going to ignore it but then "something" told me to click in and take a look. I was shocked to discover that the woman was doing live tarot card readings. I was instantly hooked! I followed the page and watched every night for two weeks. Then I decided to face my fear and get a reading. It was the best decision I've ever made! This woman read me to my soul! She said things that I'd never told anyone. But the biggest shock came at the end of the reading when she told me that I had some very powerful abilities of my own and that my Spirit Team was waiting for me to acknowledge them so I could get to work. She told me that my purpose was to be a Spiritual Healer and that I needed to start right away. She suggested some good tarot card decks for me to start with and the next day I ordered them.
Since then I've practiced on anyone who was willing. I've even done healings on myself!! I've taken classes for psychic development, reiki, crystals and mediumship. I am able to access Akashic Records and I'm working on Shamanic Soul Retrievals. I have also helped a few others tap in to their Spiritual abilities.
I know now that I come from a long line of strong and gifted women. I even had a conversation with my Great Grandmother in Spirit! I am so very grateful and humbled to have been granted these abilities and tasked with the responsibility of continuing my ancestral legacy.
I look forward to helping you along on your healing journey!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.